6 Books for Setting Goals with Elementary Students 

By Laura Driscoll
⏱️ minute read

Setting goals with elementary students is a perfect way to motivate and build this skill from a young age. Books are a great medium to begin to explore goals and what it takes to achieve them. I chose six of my favorites that span K-5.

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Whistle for Willie

Grades: K-1

Whistle for Willie is a classic picture book that follows a little boy, Peter. It is one of my daughter's favorites. Peter wants to learn to whistle so he can call his dog Willie. The book shows him trying to whistle over and over again even though he couldn't do it initially. He finally can whistle and calls Willie over. 

This is a great book to explore setting small, personal goals and how persisting is part of the process.

whistle for willie

Squirrel's New Year's Resolutions

Grades: K-2

Squirrel's New Year's Resolutions is a more direct exploration of New Year's Resolutions that is perfect for lower elementary students. Squirrel talks with the other forest animals about what a New Year's Resolution is and their resolutions.
This is a great way to talk about how everyone can have different goals because different things are important to all of us. It also helps students think of their own goals.

squirrel's New Year's Resolution

A Chair for My Mother

Grades: 1-3

A Chair for My Mother is about a family who loses everything in a fire. They spend a long time saving up change to fill a jar so they can buy a comfortable chair for their apartment. There are great themes around family and community support. 

Perfect for thinking of goals that help other people and emphasizing the hard work that goes into achieving our goals.

a chair for my mother

Ruby's Wish

Grades: 2-4

Ruby's Wish is about a young girl living in China who did not attend school or receive an education. However, her grandfather includes her in the lessons with the male children. As Ruby gets older, she wishes to attend university despite knowing that this is not something young women her age do. 

It is the perfect book to talk about the obstacles that get in our way and how persistence pays off. Also another one that emphasizes that we don't achieve our goals without the support of others.

ruby's Wish

Salt In His Shoes

Grades: 3 to 5

Salt in His Shoes is about Michael Jordan when he was a young boy and was frustrated that he was not tall enough. Written by his mother, she tells the tale of his determination and hard work, along with the support of his family.

It's a great way to explore those big goals and how they don't happen overnight.

salt in his shoes

Thank You, Mr. Falker

Grades: 3-5

Thank You, Mr. Falker is an excellent book that would be great for a small group book club. This story follows a young girl who hasn't learned to read yet when she meets a new teacher who believes in her. She finds the support she needs to achieve a big goal. 

It's a great way to talk about learning disabilities, support from others, bullying, persistence, and it never being too late.

Have you used books to work on goals with students? Comment below with your favorites.

I’m a school psychologist who left her office (closet?) and got busy turning a decade of experience into ready to use counseling and SEL resources.

I live in New York City with my adventurous husband and relaxed to the max daughter who’ve grown to appreciate my love of a good checklist.

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