A great way to incorporate social-emotional learning into your classroom is through children's books. Read alouds are likely part of your routine, and so many books highlight social-emotional themes. One SEL standard focuses on a student recognizing their personal qualities. The following six children's books on being yourself are the perfect way to address this standard.
Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun
Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun is about how Lucy handles a classmate who makes fun of her hair, lunch, and anything else he can think of. Lucy uses the lessons her grandfather taught her to do the right thing and be proud of who she is.
It is a great book to discuss teasing and bullying as well as self-acceptance.
Activity Ideas
Write out what makes you unique on a hotdog bun template.
Make an anchor chart with how we are all the same and different.
Discuss why we don't like to be different sometimes and what we can do to accept who we are.
Create positive self-statements you can say when you aren't feeling good about yourself.
Brainstorm ways to handle someone who is picking on you.
Identify why what Ralph is doing is bullying, mean, or playful teasing.
What I Like About Me
This book is excellent for younger students. It celebrates all the ways we are different and why that is okay. Children in the book are proud of their features, which might make them the target for mean comments.
Activity Ideas
Have students draw a picture of themselves and label what makes them different.
Talk about that. We are all different on the outside, and differences are good. You can also talk about differences on the inside (e.g., shy, outgoing, etc) that the book doesn't touch on.
Use sentence frames to help students discover things they like about themselves. "I like my ______________. It _________________."
You can survey all our different features. For example, curly, straight, and wavy hair. Different color eyes or freckles.
Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon
Activity Ideas
Discuss how her grandmother's advice helped Molly Lou Lemon be proud of her differences.
Ways to handle when someone makes fun of something about you that is different.
Discuss how the bystanders in the story didn't go along with the bully and how that also helped Molly Lou Lemon.
Have students write down what advice they would give someone about being proud of who you are.
Activity Ideas
Have students write their names on flowers and pass their flowers to other students. Those students add compliments on the back or can add compliments on petals that will complete the flower.
Have students reflect on someone in their life that makes them feel special.
Have students come up with ways to stand up for other students being made fun of like Ms. Twinkle stuck up for Chrysanthemum.
The Invisible Boy
Brian is a shy student who feels invisible to everyone. No one notices him, picks him for teams, invites him to birthday parties, or sits with him at lunch. A new student, Justin, starts and gets made fun of for his lunch. Brian gives him a nice note, and Justin notices what a good artist Brian is. He invites Justin to play and work with him. Brian finally doesn't feel invisible.
Activity Ideas
There are some great discussion questions in the back of the book.
Discuss feeling invisible around other people or being left out of something.
Discuss how Brian is a good artist and that we all have something we are good at, even if others don't realize it.
Have students write or draw something they notice that someone else in the room does well.
Brainstorm ways to include others so no one feels invisible.
Alma & How She Got Her Name
Activity Ideas
Have the students find out how they got their names.
Have students discover the names of their grandparents and important people and create a name like Alma's.
Talk about not liking something about yourself because it was different.
SEL Read Aloud Activities

Where Oliver Fits Read Aloud Activities
The included resources provide read aloud comprehension questions, an independent student activity, a story summary sheet, and a companion bulletin board or display.